Foot Fetish

What is a Foot Fetish?

Foot fetish describes an acute interest in feet that’s sexually charged. Foot fetishists love to kiss, lick, and even put their genitals on another person’s feet, and they find everything feet-related to be incredibly arousing!

A foot fetish is most commonly associated with men, but there’s no reason to believe it is a genderized sexual fantasy. According to Slate, for example, many women love feet.

Where Does This Fetish Comes From?

A foot fetish messes with most people’s minds not only because it’s rare but also because, for most of us, there’s nothing inherently sexy, romantic, or sexual about feet. So, where do feet fetishes come from?

There are two principal scientific hypotheses to explain foot fetishes:

  1. According to the legendary psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, children develop a foot fetish at a young age for viewing the feet or toes as a substitute for the penis;
  2. According to the neuroscientist Vilayanur Ramachandran, foot fetishes occur because the part of the brain that processes the sensation of feet sits right next to the part of the brain that processes genital stimulation.
Foot fetish
For most people, this is a picture of feet. For a foot fetishist, it’s like porn!

Need a Foot-Fetish Fix?

Foot fetishes will most likely continue to puzzle and surprise the world. But if you happen to be a foot fetishist yourself, you probably don’t care too much about the science behind your boner! So, where can you get your foot fetish fix these days?

OnlyFans is probably the best resource for finding exclusive photos of male and female feet, especially if you’re into tall women with large feet! If you’re looking for a specific set of feet, please consult our guide to find someone’s OnlyFans.