
What is a Dominant?

Dominant describes a man or woman who likes to take the lead in the bedroom and enjoys playing into power dynamics for sexual relief. While dominant is a posture that can apply to all types of sexual intercourse, it’s particularly relevant in the context of BDSM.

Being dominant is the opposite of being submissive, but these two roles aren’t set in stone. While most people are predominantly dominant or submissive, some can perform both roles with the same level of enthusiasm.

How to Be Dominant

Being dominant isn’t about being dictatorial or disrespectful! Here are some tips on how to be dominant that were shared by experts:

  • Know your partner’s boundaries as thoroughly as possible before sexual intercourse;
  • Try your sex toys yourself to get a taste of how they feel;
  • Set up a safe word or safe signal;
  • Show some gentle love to your partner once the act’s done.
A woman is dominated by a man.

How Not to Be Dominant

If you think being dominant is acting like “Fifty Shades of Grey,” you’re probably wrong! Here are some absolute dominant red flags to avoid at all costs:

  • When your partner says “Do whatever you want with me,” he or she may not actually mean it—assuming things in the bedroom as a dominant person is a big no-no;
  • Continuing to engage in sex after the other person screams the safe word is the fastest way to lose your partner’s trust;
  • Engaging in non-consent fantasies as a dominant person without establishing clear ground rules first can end up in disaster.